

The platform incorporates long term experience in the development of forestry projects. Land tenure matters, certification of FSC and Gold Standard, International Accountancy Standard for biological production, small and large scale operations and knowledge of local climates and soil characteristics are all important matters to ensure the long term benefits of forestry entrepreneurship.

Land tenure and its legal matters are managed through due diligence studies to ensure proper legalities. Certification of projects is an important tool to  establish the footprint of the project and its impact with imminent mitigation.  Long term financial feasibility study of reforestation projects and its proper accountancy and annual financial validation, ensure the investor about future income.

Mono-culture in reforestation, like many Teak plantation initiatives, is still the norm, but intends diversification of plantation assets to mitigate project risks, and manages a long list of indigenous species with a market potential. platform has extensive experience in growing, conserving, working and trading bamboos from Central America; a very promissory business.